I Survived a Five Day Juice Cleanse

This all started about three weeks ago when I downloaded an app to start tracking what I was eating. I felt like I wasn’t eating enough and when I did eat, it wasn’t very nutritional. After about two weeks of tracking my food, I was able to see what my diet looked like and I realized I wasn’t feeling well, tired, and my body was feeling overworked. I knew I needed to make a change.

I Survived a Five Day Juice Cleanse

My Favorite Products of the Summer

This summer I set out on a quest for some new additions to my beauty routine. I have had some really good results so I wanted to share them with you all. I’m sure you have heard about many of these already, they’re not really new, but they are new to me!

My Favorite Products of the Summer

Stress-Free Weekly Self-Tanning Routine

Living in Southern California, you would think it’s easy to get a tan, think again! It is sunny here about 300 days a year but you’d be surprised how little I’m actually in the sun.

Stress-Free Weekly Self-Tanning Routine

How to Reduce Stress with a "Tickler File"

What is a tickler file? Wikipedia’s definition is the following: “A tickler file or 43 Folders System is a collection of date-labeled file folders organized in a way that allows time-sensitive documents to be filed according to the future date on which each document needs action.”

How to Reduce Stress with a "Tickler File"

California Super Bloom 2019

“Super Bloom” seasons are when an unusually high number of wildflowers blossom in California’s deserts. This can only occur when very specific conditions are met, after steady rains followed by warm temperatures causing seeds dormant for decades under the desert floor to burst open and produce an amazing display.

California Super Bloom 2019

How CBD Oil Helped Save my Dog's Life

A lot goes into taking good care of your dogs, feed them really good food, take them to the vet for regular check ups, and multiple daily walks. However, the main thing that has made the biggest difference in their overall health, in my opinion, is the daily use of CBD oil.

How CBD Oil Helped Save my Dog's Life

Point Dume - A Post From the Past

I think this is a really fun way to start my blog. For me, this has all come full circle. I had forgotten I had even written this, I found it last week when I was organizing my hard drive. I remember this hike, vaguely.

Point Dume - A Post From the Past